Klimabonus 522

The “KLIMABONUS 522” program is a Luxembourgish government initiative that provides financial incentives for the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The program offers a flat-rate subsidy of €500 per kilowatt-peak (kWp) of installed capacity, up to a maximum of 50 kWp. The subsidy is available to both individuals and businesses.

Photovoltaics – Producing electricity with solar energy and taking climate action.

What are the conditions for receiving Klimabonus subsidies?

Two options are available for this Klimabonus subsidy.

    • Investment aid of 20% for the installation of photovoltaic panels operated in “feed-in mode” and guaranteed feed-in tariff. Self-consumption is possible under this option.
      • This subsidy is capped at 500 €/kWp.
      • Valid for invoices dated from 2022-01-01 until 2025-12-31.
      • Receive an feed-in tariff that is guaranteed by the state for a period of 15 years.
      • Feed-in tariff depends on the connection date of the installation, for more details see page « Financial aid programmes for sustainable housing and mobility » under the category « Feed-in tariffs ».
    • Investment aid of 62,5% for the installation of photovoltaic panels operated in “self-consumption mode” and renunciation of the guaranteed feed-in tariff.
      • This subsidy is capped at 1.562,50 €/kWp.
      • Valid for orders dated from 2023-01-01 until 2023-12-31 and an invoice dated until 2025-12-31.
      • Electricity storage is subsidised if:

for a single-family home

        • the output of system is > 4 kWp and
        • storage capacity is ≤ 1,5 kWh/kWp with a max. of 12 kWh.

for an apartment building

        • the output of system is > 1,5 kWp per residential unit and
        • storage capacity is ≤ 1,5 kWh/kWp with an max. of 9 kWh per residential unit.

for a building that is not used for residential purposes

      • storage capacity is ≤ 1 kWh/kWp.
    • renounce the guaranteed feed-in tariff for the lifetime of the installation. This option constitutes a firm and irrevocable commitment.
    • must conclude a buy-back contract with a supplier for the surplus electricity. In most cases a individual/collective self-consumption or energy community is set up.
    • For photovoltaic installations with an invoice date between 2022-01-01 and 2025-12-31 and an order date outside the above-mentioned time frame, an investment subsidy of 50% is granted for the installation of the solar panels, provided that the applicant waives the feed-in tariff guarantee. This aid is limited to a maximum of 1,250 €/kWp.
  • For the tax year 2022, the income from installations > 10 kWp are taxable.
  • For the tax year 2023, the income from installations > 30 kWp are taxable.
  • An additional photovoltaic installation (on the same roof, façade or integrated into the building envelope) is eligible if its injection to the grid takes place at least 2 years after the first injection of the previous installation.

To find out more, You can consult the corresponding regulation.

How to apply for Klimabonus subsidies?

  • The subsidy application can be made after the installation has been completed.

To file application, You complete the following forms :

  • “Demande d’une aide dans le cadre du PAQUET BANQUE CLIMATIQUE ET LOGEMENT DURABLE – DEPA-2022 – Personne physique” or the form for “Personnes morales”
  • “Installation photovoltaïque – Fiche annexe : PHOT-2022”.

Valid for orders dated from 2023-01-01 until 2023-12-31. Is extended for a transitional period of 3 months (orders placed no later than September 30, 2024).

What are the technical requirements for Klimabonus subsidies?

  • The peak output must be ≤ 30 kWp.
  • Photovoltaic panels can be mounted on the roof, façade or integrated into the building envelope.
  • Photovoltaic panels can be mounted on residential buildings and buildings that are not used for residential purposes.
  • Hybrid solar collectors producing hot water and electricity are also eligible.

Applications for the subsidy must be submitted to the Luxembourgish Ministry of the Environment. The deadline for submitting applications is December 31, 2023.

The “KLIMABONUS 522” program is designed to promote the use of renewable energy in Luxembourg and to help reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels. The program is expected to generate approximately 100 megawatts of new solar capacity in Luxembourg.


25% financial aid allowance for photovoltaic installations operating in self-consumption mode or within an energy community is extended for a transitional period of 3 months (orders placed no later than September 30, 2024), Currently, the aid level is 62.5% of the actual costs, with a ceiling of EUR 1,562.5 per peak kW.

From October 1, 2024, the current regime regarding energy sanitation measures and heat pumps and wood boilers will be maintained, while at the level of photovoltaic modules, financial assistance will be reduced to 50% of the actual costs of installations ordered from October 1, 2024, with a ceiling of EUR 1,250 per kW

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