The "KLIMABONUS 511" program is a Luxembourgish government initiative that provides financial incentives for the installation of heat pumps. The program offers a subsidy of €511 per kilowatt (kW) of installed capacity, up to a maximum of 10 kW. The subsidy is available to both individuals and businesses.
Air-to-water heat pump – Heating with renewable energies and taking climate action.
To find out more, You can consult the corresponding regulation.
To apply for the Klimabonus subsidies:
To apply for the Topup social Klimabonus subsidies:
Point of contact for the Klimabonus subsidies and the Topup social Klimabonus subsidies
Single point of contact for housing assistance
11, rue de Hollerich
L-1741 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Tel: (+352) 8002 10 10
To file my Klimabonus application, I complete the follwing forms:
For more information I can consult the corresponding regulation.
To file my Topup social Klimabonus application, I complete the following forms:
For more information, I can consult the corresponding law.
The increase of the exchange bonus from 30% to 50% of the simulated subsidy is extended until 2025-12-31*. The Klimabonus basic subsidy is valid for invoices dated from 2022-01-01 until 2025-12-31 *
25% financial aid allowance for photovoltaic installations operating in self-consumption mode or within an energy community is extended for a transitional period of 3 months (orders placed no later than September 30, 2024), Currently, the aid level is 62.5% of the actual costs, with a ceiling of EUR 1,562.5 per peak kW.
A partir du 1er octobre 2024, le régime actuel concernant les mesures d'assainissement énergétique et les pompes à chaleur et chaudières à bois sera maintenu, tandis qu'au niveau des modules photovoltaïques, l'aide financière sera réduite à 50% des coûts réels des installations commandées à partir du 1er octobre 2024, avec un plafond de 1.250 EUR par kW.
All information comes from Klima Agence and you will always get the latest and most up-to-date information about available subsidies from them. Contact their representative at:
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