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Voltmax Energy Solutions au Luxembourg

Klimabonus 511

The "KLIMABONUS 511" program is a Luxembourgish government initiative that provides financial incentives for the installation of heat pumps. The program offers a subsidy of €511 per kilowatt (kW) of installed capacity, up to a maximum of 10 kW. The subsidy is available to both individuals and businesses.

Air-to-water heat pump – Heating with renewable energies and taking climate action.

What are the conditions for receiving Klimabonus subsidies?

  • The Klimabonus subsidy is only available for heating systems in residential buildings.
  • Only one of the following heating systems can be subsidised per residential building: heat pump, wood heating system or connection to district heating.
  • No state subsidy must have been requested for a technical installation under the 2012 or 2016 subsidy programme.
  • Valid for invoices dated until 2025-12-31.
  • In the case of a hybrid system, at least 70% of the annual heat requirement must be covered by the heat pump.

To find out more, You can consult the corresponding regulation.

How to apply for Klimabonus subsidies?

  • To apply for the Klimabonus subsidies:

    • The subsidy application can be made after the installation has been completed.

    To apply for the Topup social Klimabonus subsidies:

    • The application must be submitted to the single point of contact for housing assistance after receiving the decision to receive the Klimabonus subsidies.

    Point of contact for the Klimabonus subsidies and the Topup social Klimabonus subsidies

    Single point of contact for housing assistance
    11, rue de Hollerich
    L-1741 Luxembourg
    Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
    Tel: (+352) 8002 10 10

    To file my Klimabonus application, I complete the follwing forms:

    • “Demande d’une aide dans le cadre du PAQUET BANQUE CLIMATIQUE ET LOGEMENT DURABLE – DEPA-2022 – Personne physique” or the form for “Personnes morales”
    • “Pompe à chaleur – Fiche annexe : POCH-2022”

    For more information I can consult the corresponding regulation.

    To file my Topup social Klimabonus application, I complete the following forms:

    • « Demande en obtention d’une aide à l’assainissement énergétique (F3) »
    • « Déclaration relative à la composition de la communauté domestique L/A21 »
    • « Déclaration sur l’honneur – Aquisition A92 »

    For more information, I can consult the corresponding law.

    The increase of the exchange bonus from 30% to 50% of the simulated subsidy is extended until 2025-12-31*. The Klimabonus basic subsidy is valid for invoices dated from 2022-01-01 until 2025-12-31 *

    * Subject to the finalisation of the legislative and regulatory procedures. A project for a Grand Ducal regulation is currently under consideration. For more information, see the Klima-Agence news.

What are the technical requirements for Klimabonus subsidies?

  • Hydraulic balancing after installation must be carried out.
  • Installation of a separate or integrated electricity meter in the heat pump.
  • Heat pumps for which the invoice is established as from 1 January 2024 must be equipped with a heat meter.
  • Only for existing building: Installation of a buffer tank (boiler) of at least 30 l/heat kWth. With the exception of heat pumps and hybrid heat pumps equipped with a frequency converter (“inverter”) with speed/power modulation.


25% financial aid allowance for photovoltaic installations operating in self-consumption mode or within an energy community is extended for a transitional period of 3 months (orders placed no later than September 30, 2024), Currently, the aid level is 62.5% of the actual costs, with a ceiling of EUR 1,562.5 per peak kW.

A partir du 1er octobre 2024, le régime actuel concernant les mesures d'assainissement énergétique et les pompes à chaleur et chaudières à bois sera maintenu, tandis qu'au niveau des modules photovoltaïques, l'aide financière sera réduite à 50% des coûts réels des installations commandées à partir du 1er octobre 2024, avec un plafond de 1.250 EUR par kW. 

All information comes from Klima Agence and you will always get the latest and most up-to-date information about available subsidies from them. Contact their representative at:

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