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Differences Between Photovoltaic Panels and Solar Collectors

Differences Between Photovoltaic Panels and Solar Collectors – What to Choose? ­­ ­­ ­­ ­­ ­­ ­­ ­­ ­­ ­­ ­­

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular power source, leading to growing interest in both photovoltaic panels and solar collectors. Both systems harness solar radiation, but they operate in entirely different ways and serve different purposes. Before making an investment, it’s essential to understand the key differences between these two technologies.

Photovoltaic Panels – How Do They Work and What Are They For?

Photovoltaic panels (PV) are used to generate electricity. This process is based on the photovoltaic effect, which allows the conversion of solar radiation into electrical energy. When sunlight hits photovoltaic cells made of silicon (mono-, polycrystalline, or multicrystalline), photons cause electrons to move, generating an electric current.

Photovoltaic panels are ideal for those who want to reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources. The energy produced by the panels can power household electrical devices, and any surplus energy can be stored in batteries or sold back to the grid.

Key Advantages of Photovoltaic Panels:

  • Generation of electricity from a free source – the sun.
  • Ability to power the entire household and electrical devices.
  • Savings on electricity bills.
  • Potential to sell excess energy.

Solar Collectors – How Do They Work and What Are They For?

Solar collectors, also known as « solars, » are primarily used for heating domestic water. They work by converting solar radiation into heat, which is absorbed by a liquid (usually a glycol mixture) circulating within the system. This liquid absorbs heat from the absorber – a special plate made of aluminum or copper coated with a layer that absorbs solar radiation (e.g., black chrome, titanium, or silicon oxides). The heated fluid is then transported to a storage tank, where it heats the domestic water.

Solar collectors are perfect for households with a high demand for hot water, such as for daily hygiene needs or heating pool water.

Key Advantages of Solar Collectors:

  • Efficient heating of domestic water, especially in summer.
  • Reduced water heating costs.
  • Simple and proven technology.

Photovoltaic Panels vs Solar Collectors – Differences

Although both photovoltaic panels and solar collectors harness solar energy, they have significant differences.

Feature Photovoltaic Panels (PV) Solar Collectors (Solars)
Function Generation of electricity Heating domestic water
Technology Photovoltaic effect (silicon cells) Conversion of radiation into heat (absorber)
Energy Use Powering electrical devices Heating domestic water
Efficiency Year-round (requires daylight) Best in sunny months
Energy Storage Can store energy in batteries No storage – heats water on the spot
Initial Costs Higher but potential for energy resale Lower than PV
Application Powering the home, charging devices Heating domestic water

What to Choose – Photovoltaic or Solar Collectors?

The choice between photovoltaic panels and solar collectors largely depends on your needs.

If your primary goal is to generate electricity to power your home, lighting, or charging devices, photovoltaics will be more suitable. Photovoltaic panels can work all year round, even during winter, although efficiency may drop with reduced sunlight.

On the other hand, if your priority is efficient heating of domestic water, especially during the warmer months, solar collectors may be a better option. They are ideal for families with high hot water needs and those looking to reduce water heating costs without requiring large amounts of electricity.

Alternative: Photovoltaics with a Water Heater

More and more people are opting for photovoltaic panels combined with an electric water heater. This configuration allows for the generation of electricity to power the home as well as heating water using an electric boiler. This versatile solution may prove more efficient and flexible than standalone solar collectors, providing greater energy independence.


Both technologies – photovoltaic panels and solar collectors – have their advantages and drawbacks. The choice depends on whether your priority is generating electricity or heating water. It’s also worth considering the combination of photovoltaics with an electric water heater, which allows maximum use of solar energy for various purposes.

Remember, both photovoltaics and solar collectors are investments that can bring long-term savings and contribute to environmental protection by using renewable energy.


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