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Voltmax Energy Solutions in Luxemburg

Technologie, die sich um Ihren Komfort kümmert!


Komfort und Einsparungen das ganze Jahr über!

Professionelle Klimaanlageninstallation in Luxemburg – Voltmax

Voltmax ist ein Experte für die Installation von Klimaanlagen in Luxemburg und bietet umfassende Lösungen für Privathaushalte, Büros und Gewerbeimmobilien. Wir sind spezialisiert auf die Installation, Wartung und Instandhaltung moderner Klimaanlagen, die auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zugeschnitten sind. Dank unserer Erfahrung und fortschrittlichen Technologie können wir das ganze Jahr über für thermischen Komfort und Energieeinsparungen sorgen.

Dank der Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Herstellern von Klimaanlagen liefern wir hochwertige Systeme, die Zuverlässigkeit, Effizienz und ökologische Lösungen garantieren. Wir bieten Wand-, Kassetten- und Kanalklimageräte sowie moderne Wärmepumpen an, die in jedem Raum für optimale Temperaturen sorgen.

Zu unseren Leistungen gehört nicht nur die präzise Installation, sondern auch die fachkundige Beratung, regelmäßige Wartung und schnelle Fehlerbehebung. Dabei setzen wir auf moderne Technologien und innovative Lösungen, die den Energieverbrauch senken und den Nutzungskomfort erhöhen.

Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem zuverlässigen Unternehmen für die Installation von Klimaanlagen in Luxemburg sind, wenden Sie sich an Voltmax. Wir bieten umfassenden Service, wettbewerbsfähige Preise und höchste Verarbeitungsqualität. Vertrauen Sie den Spezialisten und genießen Sie das ganze Jahr über das perfekte Klima in Ihrem Zuhause oder Büro!

air conditioning icon

Weißt du, dass...

Es kühlt nicht nur

Moderne Klimaanlagen bieten Funktionen wie Heizen, Entfeuchten der Luft und Reinigen von Allergenen und Schadstoffen und sind damit vielseitige Geräte, die den Lebenskomfort verbessern.

So funktioniert es

Wie funktioniert eine Klimaanlage?

Eine Klimaanlage funktioniert nach dem Prinzip des Luftstroms und des Wärmeaustauschs zwischen dem Innenraum und der Umgebung. Das Gerät saugt warme Luft aus dem Raum, leitet sie durch ein spezielles Kühlmittel, das Wärme absorbiert, und dann wird die gekühlte Luft wieder in den Raum geblasen.

Gleichzeitig gelangt das erwärmte Kühlmittel zur Außeneinheit, wo es Wärme nach außen abgibt und wieder abkühlt, sodass der gesamte Vorgang wiederholt werden kann. Dank dieser Funktion senkt die Klimaanlage die Temperatur im Raum effektiv und sorgt so auch bei heißem Wetter für Komfort.

Moderne Geräte können die Luft zudem erwärmen, trocknen und reinigen, sodass die Smart Cooling-Lösung das ganze Jahr über funktioniert und für optimale Bedingungen zu Hause oder im Büro sorgt.

Warum Voltmax Sàrl?

Wenn Sie sich für Voltmax Sàrl entscheiden, profitieren Sie:

Experience and professionalism

Erfahrung und Professionalität in der Klimaanlageninstallation in Luxemburg

Voltmax ist ein Unternehmen mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Klimabranche, das sich auf die Installation von Klimaanlagen für Wohnungen, Büros und Gewerbeimmobilien in Luxemburg spezialisiert hat. Unsere qualifizierten Techniker sorgen für die präzise Installation und Konfiguration von Klimaanlagen und garantieren deren Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit. Dank unserer Kenntnisse der neuesten Technologien und geltenden Normen bieten wir professionelle Beratung und Installationen nach höchsten Qualitätsstandards.

Modern and energy-saving

Moderne und energiesparende Klimaanlagen

Wir bieten Klimaanlagen renommierter Hersteller an, die das ganze Jahr über optimale Temperaturen bieten und gleichzeitig Energieeffizienz und niedrige Stromrechnungen gewährleisten. Unsere Geräte verwenden innovative Technologien wie Invertersteuerung oder ökologische Kühlmittel, die eine präzise Anpassung der Klimaanlage an die Bedingungen im Raum ermöglichen. Voltmax hilft Kunden bei der Auswahl energiesparender Lösungen, die Nutzungskomfort mit Umweltschutz verbinden.

Comprehensive service

Umfassender Service – von der Auswahl bis zum Klimaservice

Voltmax bietet in Luxemburg eine umfassende Palette an Klimaanlagenservices an – von der professionellen Beratung und Installationsplanung über die fachmännische Installation von Klimaanlagen bis hin zu Service, Wartung und schneller Fehlerbehebung. Eine regelmäßige Wartung von Klimaanlagen verlängert deren Lebensdauer und dank unserer technischen Unterstützung können Kunden viele Jahre lang ein effizientes und effektives Kühl- und Heizsystem genießen. Unser Serviceteam ist jederzeit einsatzbereit und sorgt für einen effizienten und zeitnahen Service.

Individual approach

Individuelle Betreuung und Anpassung der Klimatisierung an die Bedürfnisse des Kunden

Jedes Gebäude und jeder Raum erfordert einen anderen Ansatz für die Installation einer Klimaanlage. Voltmax analysiert die Bedürfnisse der Kunden und schlägt Lösungen vor, die auf die Größe, den Zweck und die Bedingungen einer bestimmten Einrichtung zugeschnitten sind. Wir installieren Wand-, Kassetten- und Kanalklimageräte sowie Multisplit-Systeme und Wärmepumpen. Unsere Dienstleistungen richten sich an Privatkunden und Unternehmen in Luxemburg, die zuverlässige und moderne Luftkühlungssysteme suchen. Wir bieten attraktive Preise, transparente Kooperationsbedingungen und höchste Verarbeitungsqualität.

Sorgen Sie noch heute für den Komfort in Ihrem Zuhause oder Büro! Kontaktieren Sie uns für ein professionelles Angebot und Beratung zur Installation einer Klimaanlage in Luxemburg. Unser Expertenteam hilft Ihnen bei der Auswahl der perfekten, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnittenen Lösung. Füllen Sie das Kontaktformular aus, rufen Sie uns an oder schreiben Sie uns – wir beantworten alle Ihre Fragen und erstellen Ihnen ein individuelles Angebot. Warten Sie nicht, sorgen Sie das ganze Jahr über für das perfekte Klima!

Unsere Dienste

Unsere umfassenden Klimaservice-Leistungen

Klimaanlageninstallation für Privathäuser

Dank moderner Klimaanlagen sorgen wir das ganze Jahr über für vollen thermischen Komfort in Ihrem Zuhause. Wir bieten sowohl Split-Klimaanlagen an, die eine ideale Lösung für einzelne Räume darstellen, als auch fortschrittliche Multi-Split-Systeme und zentrale Klimaanlagen, die eine effektive Kühlung und Heizung des gesamten Gebäudes ermöglichen. Unser Expertenteam hilft Ihnen bei der Auswahl eines Geräts mit der richtigen Leistung und Funktionalität, das an die Größe und Besonderheit Ihres Zuhauses angepasst ist. Wir stellen sicher, dass jede Anlage energieeffizient und leise ist und optimalen Nutzungskomfort bietet.

Klimatisierung für gewerbliche Einrichtungen

Wir wissen, dass in Geschäftsräumen die richtige Temperatur für den Komfort von Mitarbeitern und Kunden sowie den reibungslosen Betrieb der Geräte von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Wir bieten umfassende HLK-Systemlösungen für Büros, Hotels, Restaurants, Geschäfte, Lagerhallen und andere Geschäftsräume in Luxemburg. Unsere Klimaanlagen sind effizient, kostengünstig und auf die spezifischen Anforderungen jedes Standorts zugeschnitten – von kompakten Deckeneinheiten über Kanalklimaanlagen bis hin zu fortschrittlichen VRF-Systemen für große Flächen. Wir bieten eine schnelle und professionelle Installation und minimieren so die Ausfallzeiten in Ihrem Unternehmen.

Ventilation systems and heat recovery – fresh air and energy savings

In addition to air conditioning installation, we also offer professional ventilation systems and heat recovery, which improve the quality of indoor air and help maintain a healthy environment in the building. Heat recovery is a modern solution that allows for the recovery of heat from exhaust air, which significantly reduces the costs of heating and Temperature control system. Our systems filter the air, removing dust, allergens and impurities, which is especially important for people with allergies and respiratory problems. We make sure that our installations are energy-efficient, quiet and maximally effective.

Service and Maintenance – Ensuring the Longevity of Your Cooling System

Regular air conditioning maintenance is essential to ensure that your air conditioning system operates efficiently and effectively for years to come. We offer comprehensive air conditioning service, including periodic inspections, filter cleaning, refrigerant level checks and troubleshooting. We respond quickly to reports of failures to avoid long-term downtime and ensure your system operates continuously. With our service, your air conditioning will operate efficiently, quietly and without failures for a long time, providing you with comfort throughout the year.

Choose the perfect air conditioning for your home or office!

Don’t know which air conditioner will be best for your interior? Use our air conditioning selection calculator and discover the recommended solution tailored to your needs in just a few minutes! Thanks to our intuitive tool, you will choose the optimal power and type of Indoor climate system to ensure comfort in every season, without unnecessary costs and excessive energy consumption.

All you need to do is enter a few basic details:

Room area (m²) – the larger the space, the more AC unit power you will need.

Number and type of windows – windows affect the amount of heat entering the interior, which is crucial for calculations.

Building insulation – well-insulated rooms require less cooling power than those with poor insulation.

Sun exposure – sunny rooms heat up faster and may require a more powerful device.

Type of building (home, office, shop, etc.) – different types of buildings have different cooling and ventilation needs.

Preferred type of air conditioner – split, multi-split, cassette, duct or central air conditioning system?

Additional functions – heating, air purification, Wi-Fi control – choose a solution tailored to your expectations.

Check which air conditioning is best for you!
Fill out the form and receive a personalized offer tailored to your interior and budget. Don’t waste time on complicated analyses – our calculator will do it for you!

🔵 Fill out the form and choose Climate control in a few minutes! 🔵

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Types of air conditioning – which system to choose?

Choosing the right cooling system may seem complicated, but understanding the basic types makes it easier to select the best solution for your home, office, or business. Each system operates on a similar principle—regulating indoor temperature by cooling or heating the air—but differs in installation method, efficiency, and intended use.


Split air conditioning – the most popular solution for apartments and houses

How does it work?
The Split system consists of an internal unit mounted on the wall and an external unit that discharges heat outside the building. These two elements are connected by thin tubes transporting the refrigerant.

✅ Ideal for cooling individual rooms
✅ Relatively quiet operation – the noisy compressor is located outside
✅ Possibility to control the temperature and operating modes (e.g. heating, dehumidification)
✅ Affordable price and easy installation

For whom?
For people who want to cool one room – e.g. living room, bedroom or office.


Multi-Split Air Conditioning – cooling several rooms at the same time

How does it work?

This is an extended version of Split air conditioning – several internal units can be connected to one external unit, placed in different rooms.

✅ Saves space – instead of several external units, one is enough
✅ Possibility of individual temperature control in each room
✅ Aesthetic solution – no need to install many units on the facade

For whom?
For houses and apartments where cooling is needed for more than one room, e.g. living room, bedroom and kitchen.


Ducted air conditioning – the invisible system for larger buildings

How does it work?

This system distributes cool air through a network of channels hidden in the ceiling, which supply air to various rooms. The Air cooling system is usually installed in a technical room, e.g. in the attic.

✅ Completely invisible – only air vents in the ceiling
✅ Ability to cool multiple rooms at the same time
✅ Quiet operation, as the central unit is hidden

For whom?
For people who want to have air conditioning throughout the house or office, but without visible devices on the walls.


Cassette air conditioning - ideal for offices and service premises

How does it work?

The internal unit is mounted in a suspended ceiling, and the air is distributed evenly in four directions.

✅ Discreet appearance – ideal for modern interiors
✅ Even cooling of large spaces
✅ Often used in offices, restaurants, hotels

For whom?
For business owners and commercial premises who need effective cooling without taking up space on the walls.

What type should I choose?

If you need air conditioning for one room, the best choice will be Split or portable. If you want to cool several rooms, it is worth choosing a Multi-Split or ducted cooling unit. For offices and commercial spaces, cassette or VRF/VRV will work well, and if you are looking for something non-invasive, portable AC unit will be the fastest solution.

Not sure which air conditioning will be the best? Kontakt – we will advise and help you choose the best solution for you! 😊

Advantages and disadvantages

Is it worth installing air conditioning in your home?

Installing air conditioning in your home is an investment that brings a number of benefits, significantly improving the comfort of your household. First of all, air conditioning provides the perfect temperature all year round, cooling the interior in the summer and – in the case of devices with a heating function – warming them up in the winter. Thanks to this, you can enjoy an optimal climate regardless of the external conditions. Additionally, modern air conditioning systems have an air purification function, removing dust, allergens, mold Und other pollutants, which is particularly important for allergy sufferers and people with respiratory problems. Another advantage is the reduction of moisture, which prevents the formation of mold and fungi in rooms. Air conditioning also affects increased efficiency and better sleep quality, because a stable temperature promotes the regeneration of the body and improves well-being.

Despite its numerous advantages, air conditioning also has some disadvantages. Its installation is associated with the costs of purchase and installation, and use generates additional expenses for electricity. However, modern inverter devices are energy-efficient, which allows for reducing operating costs. Regular maintenance and service is also an important aspect, because neglecting to clean filters and perform technical inspections can reduce the efficiency of the system and affect the quality of air. Improperly used air conditioning, set to too low a temperature, can lead to colds or throat problems, but the right settings and proper use can avoid this risk.

To sum up, the advantages of air conditioning definitely outweigh the disadvantages, especially if you choose an energy-saving model adapted to the needs of users. Thermal comfort, clean air, moisture reduction and the ability to heat rooms make air conditioning not only a luxury, but also a practical Und healthy solution for every season. If you care about comfort, a healthy microclimate and a modern solution in your home, air conditioning will be an excellent investment.

Au Luxembourg, différentes formes de financement sont disponibles pour les projets d’efficacité énergétique, comme l’installation de climatisation. Pour estimer le montant des subventions potentielles, il convient d’utiliser le calculateur disponible sur le site de Klima-Agence :

For companies

Professional air conditioning solutions for business

Commercial air conditioning is not only about comfort, but also about energy efficiency, employee health and better customer service. Whether you run an office, restaurant, hotel, warehouse or shop, a well-designed air conditioning system will increase user comfort and improve work efficiency.

Here are 8 key benefits of installing modern air conditioning systems for businesses:

Employee comfort and efficiency

A pleasant temperature in the workplace significantly affects the concentration and efficiency of employees. In hot conditions, efficiency decreases and fatigue increases, which leads to lower productivity and more errors. Modern air conditioning maintains optimal working conditions, improving the well-being of the team and reducing the number of sick leave related to overheating.

Customer comfort – better shopping and hotel experiences

If you run a shop, restaurant, hotel, or service salon, customer comfort is essential. A well-cooled interior encourages guests to stay longer, explore your offerings, and ultimately increase spending, which can directly boost revenues. In restaurants and cafés, a comfortable temperature enhances the dining experience, while in retail stores, it encourages customers to browse longer. In the hotel industry, air conditioning is a standard expectation that directly affects guest satisfaction. A comfortable indoor climate improves sleep quality and overall experience, influencing positive reviews and repeat bookings. Ensuring proper climate control can give your business a competitive edge and enhance customer loyalty.

Reducing moisture and improving air quality

Air conditioning not only cools, but also controls humidity levels, which is extremely important in archives, warehouses, server rooms and laboratories, where stable conditions are key. Modern systems equipped with HEPA filters and ionizers purify the air, eliminating dust, allergens and pollutants, which improves the health of employees and customers.

Possibility of integration with Smart Building systems

Nowoczesne systemy klimatyzacji mogą współpracować z inteligentnym zarządzaniem budynkiem (BMS), automatycznie dostosowując temperaturę do pory dnia i liczby osób w pomieszczeniach. Monitorowanie zużycia energii pozwala optymalizować koszty, a zdalne sterowanie przez aplikację mobilną zapewnia pełną kontrolę nad systemem. Dodatkowa integracja z fotowoltaiką i rekuperacją pozwala na oszczędność energii i zwiększa efektywność ekologiczną budynku.

Energy saving and ecological solutions

Modern VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) and inverter systems reduce energy consumption by up to 30-40% compared to traditional solutions. This is crucial for large facilities such as office buildings, shopping malls or hotels, where air conditioning costs constitute a significant part of the budget. Additionally, systems operating on ecological refrigerants reduce the negative impact on the environment.

Tailoring the Cooling System to Your Business Needs

Each industry requires a tailored air conditioning system to ensure comfort and efficiency. Multi-split or VRF systems work best in offices, which allow for temperature control in different zones. Restaurants and hotels use cassette air conditioning, ensuring an even air flow. Warehouses and production halls require industrial cooling systems that control temperature and humidity, and server rooms need precision air conditioning to protect IT equipment from overheating. The right choice of system allows you to optimize costs and ensure efficient operation of the installation.

Service and maintenance - guarantee of continuity of work

Air conditioning failure in a company means disruptions to work, reduced efficiency and customer dissatisfaction. Regular technical inspections help avoid faults, and online monitoring allows for quick diagnosis of problems. In the event of a failure, 24/7 service minimizes downtime. A well-maintained system means lower operating costs and longer equipment life.

Cost optimization and return on investment

Investing in a modern air conditioning system not only improves comfort, but also brings real savings for the company. Thanks to the use of energy-saving technologies, such as inverter or VRF systems, energy consumption can be significantly reduced, which translates into lower electricity bills. Additionally, intelligent air conditioning control allows for the optimal use of resources, eliminating unnecessary energy losses. It is also worth considering the possibility of using available subsidies and reliefs for the modernization of HVAC systems, which accelerates the return on investment. A precise analysis of costs before and after air conditioning installation allows companies to assess the long-term benefits of using modern solutions. Thanks to this, companies can not only improve working conditions, but also gain financially by maximizing the efficiency of their facilities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which air conditioning should you choose for your home?

The choice of the right air conditioner depends on the size of the room, its insulation, the number of windows and the amount of sunlight. The most frequently chosen solution for single-family houses and apartments is Split air conditioning, which effectively cools one room. If you want to cool several rooms at the same time, it is worth choosing a Multi-Split system, where one external unit serves several internal units. For large houses and offices, duct air conditioning is recommended, hidden in the ceiling, which evenly distributes the air.

Does air conditioning use a lot of electricity?

Energy consumption depends on the power of the device, frequency of use and the energy class of the air conditioner. Modern air conditioners with inverter technology are energy efficient – they regulate their operation and use less electricity than older models operating on the “on/off” principle. On average, an air conditioner with a power of 2.5 kW uses about 0.5-0.8 kWh per hour of operation, which means a cost of around 30-60 groszy per hour (depending on the energy tariff).

Can air conditioning act as heating?

Yes! Most modern air conditioners have a heating function, which means they can work as a heat pump. This is an efficient and economical solution, especially in transitional periods (spring/autumn), when it is not yet necessary to turn on the central heating. Air conditioners with a heating function extract heat from the outside air and deliver it to the interior, which is more energy efficient than traditional electric heaters.

How often should air conditioning be serviced?

To ensure that your air conditioning system works efficiently and without failures, it is recommended to have it serviced at least once a year. During the service, the technician checks the condition of the refrigerant, cleans the filters and disinfects the evaporator, which prevents the growth of mold and bacteria. Regular maintenance ensures better air quality and extends the life of the device.

Is air conditioning harmful to your health?

No, provided they are used correctly and maintained regularly. Modern air conditioners are equipped with antibacterial filters and ionizers that clean the air from dust, allergens, bacteria and viruses. The problem occurs when the air conditioning is not cleaned – then mold and bacteria can grow in a humid environment. Too low a temperature can also cause discomfort and colds, which is why it is recommended to set the temperature 4-6°C lower than the outside temperature.

Does air conditioning dry out the air?

Yes, air conditioning removes moisture from the air, which can cause dry throat and irritation of the mucous membranes. To avoid this, it is worth using humidifiers or choosing an air conditioner with a humidification and ionization function, which help maintain the appropriate humidity in the room.

Can I install air conditioning myself?

Nie zaleca się samodzielnego montażu klimatyzacji. Instalacja wymaga specjalistycznej wiedzy, odpowiedniego sprzętu oraz legalnego napełnienia czynnikiem chłodniczym. W Luksemburgu montaż klimatyzacji powinien być wykonany przez certyfikowanych instalatorów, aby uniknąć problemów technicznych i utraty gwarancji producenta.

Can air conditioning run on photovoltaics?

Yes! Combining air conditioning with a photovoltaic installation is a great solution that allows you to reduce your electricity costs. During the day, when air conditioning is most needed (hot summer months), solar panels generate the maximum amount of energy, which allows its use to be practically free.

Take care of your comfort all year round! Fill out the form and receive a free quote for air conditioning installation tailored to your needs. Contact us today!

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