
Voltmax Energy Solutions in Luxembourg

Did you know these facts about photovoltaic installations in Luxembourg?

Did you know that more and more photovoltaic installations are being built in Luxembourg? The government, together with energy companies, argues that the use of renewable energy sources is a step into the future. This growth is supported by the government, which has introduced various facilitations and subsidies for photovoltaic installations to encourage companies to use photovoltaic energy on their own.

Did you know these facts about photovoltaic installations in Luxembourg?

    • In 2023, there was a significant increase in the number of photovoltaic installations in Luxembourg – 40 MW of new photovoltaic capacity was put into operation in 2022. The total installed capacity in the country reached 317 MW.
    • During Interslar Munich in June, in a presentation on solar in Europe based on its Global Solar Market Outlook 2023, SolarPower Europe showed a solar installations ranking of the top 10 European countries on a Watt per Capita basis end of 2022 – and in this list Luxembourg was ranked 9th with 491 W/capita, which was less than half the capacity of the Netherlands with 1,029 W/capita.
    • The Grand Duchy already ranks 5th in Europe in terms of the area of photovoltaic installations per inhabitant.
    • Under its National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), Luxembourg targets to increase the share of renewable energies in the final energy consumption to 35% to 37% by 2030. Agrivoltaics is one of the major areas of focus under the plan to promote agricultural production along with solar PV.
    • Photovoltaic installations in Luxembourg are diverse and include rooftop solar, ground-mounted solar plants, floating installations and solar carports.
    • From January 1, 2023, the government reduced the value added tax (VAT) on new photovoltaic installations to 3% and increased subsidies for photovoltaic installations for own needs to 62.5%.
    • Energy Minister Claude Turmes announced plans to further support photovoltaic installations, including abolishing the need to install a second meter in systems with an installed capacity of up to 30 kW if used for self-consumption, starting from September 2023.
    • In 2021, Luxembourg achieved a notable first in the realm of photovoltaic installations with the introduction of floating solar panels in Differdange. This innovative project involved the installation of 6,700 solar panels covering 25,000 square meters of a cooling basin, generating renewable energy and contributing to the country’s renewable energy goals. The installation, a collaboration between ArcelorMittal and Enovos, marked a significant step forward in the utilization of unconventional spaces for solar energy production.This unique endeavor showcases the creativity and adaptability of solar energy initiatives, demonstrating that solar panels can be effectively integrated into diverse environments, including bodies of water. The project not only serves as a practical means of energy generation but also highlights the potential for unconventional and visually striking solar installations.

Overall, Luxembourg actively promotes photovoltaic installations and has seen significant growth in the sector in recent years. Government support and various incentives are expected to continue to fuel the development of solar energy in the country.

If you would like your own rooftop photovoltaic installation, feel free to contact our technical advisor. Complete the form or call: +352 661 444 831


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