We are starting a BLACK FRIDAY promotion today! But we are not limiting ourselves to just one day! We are opening a BLACK MONTH!
Every customer who purchases an installation with a capacity of at least 10 kWp together with a 5.12 kWh energy storage will receive an additional energy storage module with a capacity of 5.12 kWh for 1 euro.
The promotion is limited to December 20. Do not hesitate and sign the contract before December 20, 2024, and enjoy a much larger energy storage for the same price.
A larger storage means greater self-consumption in the evening and at night. Do not worry about the time when your installation stops working, thanks to the storage you have greater flexibility and greater profit.
Fill out the contact form and contact our representative.
Terms and conditions of the promotion
“Additional energy storage module for 1 euro”
§ 1 General provisions
The organizer of the promotion “Additional energy storage module for 1 euro” (hereinafter referred to as the “Promotion”) is Voltmax Sarl with its registered office in Luxembourg, at 47 Rue Mathias Tresch, L-2626 Luxembourg, registered in the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (RCS Luxembourg) under number B270450, hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”.
The promotion is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions in force in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in particular the provisions on consumer protection and the principles of promotional sales.
§ 2 Duration of the promotion
1. The promotion is valid from 22 November 2024 to 20 December 2024 (inclusive).
2. After the expiry of the Promotion period, participation in it will not be possible.
§ 3 Conditions of participation
1. A participant in the Promotion may be any natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, who:
a)Concluded with the Organizer an agreement for the purchase and installation of a photovoltaic installation with a capacity of at least 10 kWp and a SolarEdge brand energy storage with a capacity of 5.12 kWh, during the term of the Promotion.
b)Expressed a desire to use the Promotion when concluding the agreement.
2. The Promotion does not apply to persons who use other promotions of the Organizer regarding the same product or set of products.
3. Each participant may participate in the Promotion only once for each concluded contract at the address indicated by him/her.
4. He/she may participate in the promotion multiple times, provided that he/she signs separate contracts that meet the terms of the promotion.
5. Participation in the Promotion is voluntary. The Participant confirms that he/she is aware of the restrictions required for obtaining subsidies in Luxembourg that may result from using the Promotion.
§ 4 Rules of the Promotion
1. As part of the Promotion, a participant who meets the conditions specified in § 3 has the right to purchase an additional SolarEdge brand energy storage module with a capacity of 5.12 kWh for the amount of 1 euro (in words: one euro).
2. The offer applies only to SolarEdge energy storage modules with a capacity of 5.12 kWh and photovoltaic installations with a capacity of at least 10 kWp.
3. The conclusion of the contract for the set indicated in § 3 and the expression of willingness to use the Promotion must take place during the period of validity of the Promotion, i.e. from November 22, 2024 to December 20, 2024.
§ 5 Exclusions
1.The Promotion cannot be combined with other promotions, discounts or special offers of the Organizer.
2. In the event of withdrawal from the contract during the period of validity of the Promotion or its termination for reasons attributable to the participant, the right to use the Promotion is canceled.
§ 6 Final provisions
1. Complaints regarding the Promotion can be submitted in writing to the Organizer’s registered office within 14 days of the end of the Promotion at e-mail: info@voltmax.lu
2. The Organizer reserves the right to change these Regulations, provided that such changes do not violate the rights acquired by the participants.
3. These Regulations are available on the Organizer’s website and at its registered office.
4. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the provisions of the law in force in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg shall apply.
Voltmax Sarl