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Voltmax Energy Solutions in Luxembourg

Navigating the Klimabonus Subsidy Program until 2025

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The “Solidaritéitspak 2.0” initiative, offering exceptional measures, will continue until June 30, 2024. Klimabonus, a subsidy program in effect until 2025, is designed to foster energy-efficient renovations and sustainable construction of homes. It encourages the adoption of renewable energy heating systems, supports investments in photovoltaic technology, and aids in the acquisition of electric vehicles and the installation of charging stations.

Navigating the Klimabonus Subsidy Program until 2025

Under the “Solidaritéitspak 2.0,” aimed at bolstering renewable energy use and energy-efficient renovations, the government has enhanced several incentives. These include raising the replacement bonus to 50% for transitioning from fossil-fuel-based heating to renewable alternatives, augmenting the Klimabonus subsidy for photovoltaic systems by an additional 25%, and supplementing the Klimabonus for insulation and ventilation in energy renovations by 25%.

Important Deadlines for Klimabonus Subsidy Applications

Be aware of several critical deadlines up to June 2024 for Klimabonus subsidy applications. Here’s a summary of these key dates.

Subsidies for Photovoltaic Installations

For photovoltaic installations, the invoice date is crucial for subsidy eligibility. Invoices must be dated between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2025. To be eligible for the enhanced “Solidaritéitspak” aid, orders must be dated no later than June 30, 2024.

Subsidies for Insulation and Ventilation

For insulation subsidies, the date of the “accord de principe” (agreement in principle) application is relevant. To implement insulation or window replacement measures, ensure your agreement in principle is requested by December 31, 2025. Applications for the “Accord de principe” dated by June 30, 2024, will qualify for an additional 25% funding.

Heating System Grants

For sustainable heating system installation grants, the invoice date must fall between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2025. Replacing a fossil-fuel heating system with a renewable option by June 30, 2024, qualifies for a 50% bonus.

Overview of Exceptional Klimabonus Grants Different deadlines apply for these exceptional grants:

  • A 25% increase in the Klimabonus subsidy (up to 62.5% of the total investment) for photovoltaic system installation, for offers signed before June 30, 2024.
  • For insulation or window installation, the “accord de principe” request must be dated by June 30, 2024, for the 25% top-up.
  • A bonus for replacing an oil or gas boiler with a renewable alternative: 50% (up from 30%) for offers signed before June 30, 2024.

For queries, contact a profesional installer – Call: +352 661 444 831 or Fill in the form

or contact a Klima-Agence advisor at 8002 11 90.

Exploring the Klimabonus Subsidy Initiative Through 2025

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