
Voltmax Energy Solutions in Luxembourg

Programmes de subventions

Grants to ensure the success of your project

The government offers grants for housing as well as a set of financial measures aimed at encouraging energy renovations and the sustainable construction of housing, promoting heating systems using renewable energies, encouraging investment in photovoltaic systems and incentivising the purchase of electric vehicles and the installation of charging stations.

Alongside the government, municipalities and energy suppliers provide additional support to ensure the success of your projects.


Klimabonus: state subsidies the promotion of sustainability, rational use of energy and renewable energies in the housing sector

Klimabonus is a subsidy scheme that aims to encourage energy-efficient renovation and sustainable construction of housing, promotes heating systems using renewable energies, encourages investment in photovoltaics and promotes the purchase of electric vehicles and the installation of charging stations.

Discover Klimabonus and simulate the grants you can receive to successfully implement your projects and contribute to climate protection -> READ MORE

Feed-in tariffs

Feed-in tariffs for photovoltaic installations with an electrical capacity of 30 kWp or less

Feed-in tariff for installations from 0 kWp to 10 kWp
First feed-in dateTariff €/kWh
Feed-in tariff for installations from 10kWp to 30 kWp
First feed-in dateTariff €/kWh

And since my photovoltaic system has an output of less than 30 kW, I can benefit from an investment subsidy.

Feed-in tariffs for large-scale photovoltaic installations without creating an energy cooperative

Feed-in tariff for installations from 30 kWp à 100 kWp
First feed-in dateTarif €/kWh
Feed-in tariff for installations from 100 kWp à 200 kWp
First feed-in dateTariff €/kWh

Feed-in tariffs for photovoltaic installations with the creation of an energy cooperative

Feed-in tariff for installations from 30 kWp à 100 kWp
First feed-in dateTariff €/kWh
Feed-in tariff for installations from 100 kWp à 200 kWp
First feed-in dateTariff €/kWh
Feed-in tariff for installations from 200 kWp à 500 kWp
First feed-in dateTariff €/kWh

Municipal grants

Many municipalities offer additional grants to support your housing or sustainable mobility project. Remember to contact your local authority before starting your project! You can also simulate the municipal subsidies thanks to our aid simulator available in the Klimabonus section.

Electricity and natural gas suppliers

Since January 2015, natural gas and electricity suppliers have been obliged to achieve energy savings among consumers. Since then, energy suppliers have been offering services to assist and advise consumers on the implementation of energy efficiency measures.

So far, two subsidy programmes have been created. The enoprimes subsidies, which are paid out by Enovos and SUDenergie and the Sudstroum subsidy programme.

You can simulate the subsidy amounts proposed by the energy suppliers using our subsidy simulator on

You can also receive the subsidy if you are not a customer of the energy supplier. To find out how to apply for the subsidy, please visit the website of the corresponding programme:


You can find a complete list of suppliers on the website of the Institut Luxembourgeois de la Régulation:

List of electricity suppliers

List of natural gas suppliers

Interest subsidy for climate loans and state guarantee

Would you like to invest in an energy-saving home? Take advantage of the government interest subsidy for your climate loan! You will benefit from attractive loan financing and simultaneously increase the market value of your property through renovation. The amount of the loan and the interest payable on it determine the amount of the subsidy.

The climate loan can amount to up to €100,000 with a maximum term of 15 years and an interest subsidy of 1.5% (maximum 10% of the borrowed capital).

Also use a state guarantee for your climate loan. A state guarantee makes it easier for you to access a bank loan and reduces the costs of the collateral required by the credit institution. The amount of the state guarantee depends on the loan amount and can be a maximum of up to €50,000 for a term of 15 years.

Subsidies for housing and taxation

The Service des Aides au Logement has an Info’Logement office in Luxembourg City. Info’Logement provides individuals with useful information and advice on the various available housing aids, the construction and acquisition of a home (with or without alterations), the improvement, renovation and retrofitting of their current home, particularly with regard to ecological and energy-efficient construction and other technical matters (insulation, safety, health).

Information on legislative and tax issues (VAT on housing, “Bëllegen Akt”) as well as on tenancy legislation (lease for residential use) is also available.

New tax measures – Housing subsidies

Adjustment of the accelerated depreciation rate for rental properties

The accelerated depreciation rate for new buildings acquired after January 1, 2021 and used as rental properties is reduced from 6% to 5%, and the period of application of this rate is reduced by one year, from 6 to 5 years.

The 5% rate will apply to landlords whose sum of depreciable bases of buildings does not exceed one million euros. Depreciable bases exceeding one million euros will be depreciated at the rate of 4%.

Introduction of a 6% depreciation rate for energy renovations for rental properties

In order to encourage owners of rented accommodation to carry out energy renovation measures, a depreciation rate of 6% is granted for 10 years for renovation investment expenses leveraged by Klimabonus subsidies granted by the Environment Agency.

FAQ on accelerated deprectiation rate

Application of the super-reduced VAT rate of 3% on housing renovations for buildings older than 10 years

In the context of encouraging homeowners to carry out sustainable energy renovation measures, the minimum age of the building required for the application of the super-reduced VAT rate of 3% is reduced from 20 to 10 years.

Topup social Klimabonus

Recipients of Klimabonus subsidies will be able to apply for “Topup social Klimabonus” from the Ministry of Housing and Spatial planning, which may result in a doubling of the Klimabonus subsidies, depending on the recipient’s household income. This additional support is intended to enable households with an income below the national median to prevent the potential risk of energy poverty.

Two other measures support homeowners in the ecological transition, namely the introduction of an interest subsidy for climate loans and the introduction of a mandatory fund for condominiums.

The detailed provisions of the Klimabonus financial aid scheme, with a simulator of the aid amounts, are available at
The application forms for financial support are available at


All information comes from Klima Agence and you will always get the latest and most up-to-date information about available subsidies from them. Contact their representative at:

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